Shark Attacks: The Database
GSAF Case # | 2004.07.15 |
Date | 15 Jul 2004 |
Country | Japan |
Area | Wakayama Prefecture |
Location | Susami |
Activity | Fishing for squid aboard the trawler Shikishima-Maru when the shark leapt into the boat |
Name | Yuji Torimi |
Sex | Male |
Age | 51 |
Injury | Suffered broken ribs when the shark's tail fin slammed into his chest |
Time | |
Species | Longfin mako shark, 3.5 m [11.5'], 350-kg [772-lb] |
Investigator or Source | Mainichi Shimbun, 7/17/2004 |
Fatal? | Not fatal |
Incident Type | Unprovoked |