Shark Attack Data

Shark Attacks: The Database

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Shark attack at Location unknown in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles

GSAF Case # 1952.03.30
Date 30 Mar 1952
Country Netherlands Antilles
Area Curacao
Location Location unknown
Activity Went to aid of child being menaced by the shark
Name A.J. Eggink
Sex Male
Injury Buttock bitten, tissue removed
Species 2.7 m [9'] bull shark was captured & dragged on the sand where tissue taken from Eggink was found in its gut. Species identification was made by S. Springer based on 4 photographs of the shark.
Investigator or Source J. Randall, p.352 in Sharks & Survival; H.D. Baldridge, p.172
Fatal? Not fatal
Unprovoked? Unprovoked