Shark Attacks: The Database
GSAF Case # | 1901.06.24 |
Date | 24 Jun 1901 |
Country | Philippines |
Area | Western Viscayas |
Location | Island of Panay, Iliolo |
Activity | Swimming |
Name | S. McKie, apprentice 1st class on the U.S. Naval ship Annapolis |
Sex | Male |
Age | |
Injury | Left thigh stripped of flesh 4" above the knee |
Time | 15h00 |
Species | |
Investigator or Source | J.A. Guthrie; Sun, 7/13/1913; V.M. Coppleson, p.264 also states "Native taken near same spot 3 months previously." |
Fatal? | Not fatal |
Incident Type | Unprovoked |