Shark Attacks: The Database
GSAF Case # | 1926.07.08 |
Date | 08 Jul 1926 |
Country | United States of America |
Area | California |
Location | San Francisco Bay (or San Leandro Bay), near cannery, Alameda County |
Activity | Swimming with dog near canning factory |
Name | Norman Piexotto |
Sex | Male |
Age | 15 |
Injury | Leg & hand lacerated and dog bitten |
Time | |
Species | 1.5 m [5'] white shark or sevengill shark |
Investigator or Source | D. Miller & R. Collier, R. Collier, p. __; V.M. Coppleson (1958), pp. 156 & 252; [SAF Case #215] |
Fatal? | Not fatal |
Incident Type | Unprovoked |